Dickinson County will Lose without Red Rock Wind
More than 15 years ago, a group of local farmers and landowners, including myself, came together to become part of an energy independence solution, using one of our strongest resources – the wind. Thus, the idea for the Red Rock Wind project was born, and we have invited and work together with an experienced developer, Invenergy, to make this project a reality.
Positive progress towards the advancement of the project was made until October when the Dickinson County Board of Adjustments denied the permit for Red Rock following a three-day public hearing. Numerous supporters of the project attended these meetings, citing all of the positive economic, environmental, and local benefits. But rather than listening to the facts, some board members decided to deny the permit for the project, responding to misinformation, scare tactics, and propaganda against wind energy.
I continue to stand firm in my support for this project which will bring countless benefits to local landowners, and to the citizens of our communities. So here are the facts:
- Red Rock is a community-founded project supported by more than 240 landowners.
- More than $241 million will be invested in local tax revenue and landowner payments during the lifetime of the project, supporting local education, emergency and veteran services, and environmental stewardship.
- Up to 300 jobs will be supported during the construction, thus leading to additional contributions to local businesses.
- The energy produced will be clean. There are no harmful industrial emissions, allowing for cleaner air for our community.
- Wind energy is safe for our people and the wildlife. The Audubon Society has their position stated clearly on audubon.org. Audubon strongly supports wind energy. The projected locations of the turbines are not near our lakes or wetlands, they are distanced from homes and roadways.
The many landowners, who have the right to host this project on their land, and the larger community, including area school districts, can clearly see how Red Rock will be a positive for our community. We hope our county officials will see this too in the future as I strongly encourage Red Rock to reapply.
I’ve lived in Dickinson County my whole life, and have been lucky enough to raise my family, the next generation, in this county. Every so often, when I drive by a nearby operational wind project, I am reminded of what we are working so hard to achieve – finally seeing our abundant wind becoming clean energy, providing a future for my county, my land, and my family.
Ryan D. Ross
Dickinson County Resident